Are you an "accidental"
sales leader?

Based on over 25 years of hands-on experience, hundreds of companies served, and millions in revenue achieved, the
Sales Management Toolkit™ was created to be the sales leader's ultimate resource for foundational, replicable, and scalable business growth.




Does this sound familiar...?

Your business is running a million miles an hour, and nobody has the time to focus on professional sales management.

So you're it. The de facto sales leader.

My guess is that, even though you're likely very good at the management part, you probably don't feel in control of the sales part.

But you've landed here for good reason.

Maybe you've had organic growth that satisfies the corporate agenda, but nobody is seeing the missed opportunities.

Or maybe there is a problem somewhere in your sales system - you question whether you have the right people, processes, or strategies.


Do you want your sales to improve?

If so, this guide is for YOU – the "accidental" sales leader.

You never set out to do this sales management thing, but here you are, running the company plus managing a small team that isn't performing to your expectations.

You want:

  • A roadmap that tells you what to do, when, how, and why

  • Tools to help you gain visibility into what's going on and

    how to effect

  • A proven process for generating predictable revenue

  • Confidence in your people to become a high-performing


Above all, you want your time back.

You want to stay focused on what you love to do.

Based on over 25 years of hands-on experience, hundreds of companies served, and millions in revenue achieved, the Sales Management Toolkit ™ was created to be the sales leader's ultimate resource for foundational, replicable, and scalable business growth.

"Before learning about these tools, our company had no real sales processes."

- Douglas, the CFO of a small-but-mighty energy services company

"We were doing okay, our revenues were decent, but we set our sights on growth in a new territory. We invested a lot in people, travel, and tradeshows, but results were paltry at best. We weren't sure whether it was our salespeople or our sales activities holding us back," said Douglas.

He credits the following as the most impactful for his company:


Forecasting & Tracking

"Simple, but powerful to get the ball rolling and see numbers in a different light."

Sales Pipeline Funnel

"We finally put in a process that made sense and that everyone could follow."

Reports for Marketing & Sales

"This simple list helped the company define what they needed to track and focus on the right data to guide direction."

Sales Compensation Spreadsheet

"Because we were overpaying our reps' salary, but under-rewarding results that were above and beyond expectations."

Was a complete game changer for his company.


Douglas confessed, "You don't know what you don't know. Before working with these tools, we had no real sales rules, processes, or analytics. There was nothing to help me gain insight into what our salespeople were doing."

The following year, Douglas was amazed to see growth of 30% and he knew what that meant. His sales team and sales systems were foundationally strong. Their company was finally able to scale in his chosen market and beyond.

About the Sales Management Toolkit™


The Sales Management Toolkit™ is a book designed for leaders of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who find themselves managing sales without feeling properly equipped to do so.

Delivered in a simple how-to format, this book covers everything from systems and processes to coaching and training for improved sales performance. Best of all, it gives you the actual sales tools - worksheets, guidelines, templates, and documents - you can use right away.

For only $97, it's a small price to pay to start regaining control.

What you’ll find inside the Sales Management Toolkit™

A comprehensive eBook that is yours to download, read, review, and reference at any time.

Links throughout that help you easily jump to the most relevant topic, learn a great sales tip, access additional resources, or find related materials.

5 key sections to help you identify your most pressing sales need.

What You’ll Get Out Of This Book

Our Sales Management Toolkit™ will equip you with proven strategies to streamline your sales process and drive revenue growth. Get ready to supercharge your sales team and exceed your targets.

You'll have a clear line of sight into source problems - you'll have evidence for what (and who) works, what the drivers are for success, and how to validate critical information in your sales reporting. You can call out any BS.




Predictable Revenues

Whether sales have stagnated, or the market has changed, or you're missing opportunities, you need an accurate sales pipeline. You'll know what deals you can expect to close, where the stuck points are, how to resource for gaps, and how to budget accordingly.


Better Business Decisions

When it's time to adjust forecasts, create a killer compensation plans, or invest in new opportunities, your tools will give direction in a way that takes all the guesswork out.


Scalability and Growth

You'll have a well-oiled sales machine that is properly resourced and process driven so it can generate more leads, quickly flow sales, and grow customer satisfaction.


Time Back

You never set out to do "this sales thing" - you're the de facto sales leader for your organization because you have either grown into it organically, or you're doing so because, for some reason, you aren't confident in your current sales leadership. The Sales Management Toolkit ™ will show you what to look for and what to do next.


Freedom to Focus

Do what you do best, run things the way you want, lead the company, and drive toward your corporate vision and goals.

How do you know if the Sales
Management Toolkit™
is for you?


If you can check off one or more of the following, then the Sales Management Toolkit™ is for you:

  • You are an "accidental" sales leader - maybe the founder, owner, president, CEO, CFO, or other senior leader - of a small to medium sized business, currently overseeing sales for your company.

  • You do business-to-business (B2B) sales.

  • You recognize that you need some help with this sales management stuff.

  • You see value in spending $97 on a resource that will save you time and fast-track results.

"Maybe I can just hire a sales manager to do all this for me."


Sure. You probably should, at some point.

But first, consider:

  • How will you ensure that a new sales manager does things in a way you'd like, rather than insisting on old methodologies that worked elsewhere but may not be good for your business?

  • How can you be assured the new sales manager is on track to reach the targets you expect? What will be your visibility into their activity, short of being told simply, "trust me"?

  • How will you know if the new sales manager is affecting your business positively or negatively? When is it too late to hear yourself thinking, "I'm just not sure I've got the right person in this important role." Undoing is much harder (and way more costly) than setting things up right in the first place.

You owe it to yourself to have a baseline understanding of what effective sales management looks like.


That's the only way to regain control of this sales management thing.

That's what the Sales Management Toolkit™ is designed to do - to equip and empower YOU, the business leader, to understand what good looks like.

THEN you can hire a sales manager (and this eBook will help you with that, too!).

Free Bonuses To Help You Get Results Faster

For a limited time, when you buy the Sales Management Toolkit™ eBook, you'll gain free access to three tools as downloadable, customizable worksheets.

Competitor Analysis Worksheet


Use this tool to guide your company's Internal Competitor Analysis and Individual Competitor Analysis.

Effective Sales Meeting Agenda


Use this tool to schedule weekly team meetings, customizing your weekly agenda per select needs or topics.


Sales Collateral Checklist

Use this tool to create your company's sales collateral checklist to your support sales team.

A Risk-Free Investment in Your Sales Success


I'm extremely proud of our Sales Management Toolkit™ book and I know anyone who buys it and implements the strategies will see meaningful sales success.

I'm a business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a product. You work hard for your money and don't want to waste it on something that doesn't deliver results.

That's why I'm so confident that if you don't find one new thing you can implement right away, we will issue a refund with no questions asked. That's our commitment to you - a risk-free investment in your sales success.

The Sales Management Toolkit™ will help you build a powerful, scalable revenue-generating machine.

To summarize, you will receive:

  • Sales Management Toolkit™ eBook that is yours to download, read, review, and reference at any time.

  • Links throughout that help you easily jump to the most relevant topic, learn a great sales tip, access additional resources, or find related materials.

  • 5 key sections to help you identify your most pressing sales need.

  • BONUS 1: Competitor Analysis Worksheet

  • BONUS 2: Effective Sales Meeting Agenda

  • BONUS 3: Sales Collateral Checklist

For only $97

Meet the Author of the Sales Management Toolkit™

Hi I’m Karen Meckelborg.

I sort of fell into sales management, too, over twenty years ago.

When I first started managing my small company's sales team way back when, there were no rules, processes, or analytics.

There was nothing to help me gain insight into what those salespeople were doing.

Forecasts seemed arbitrary, compensation plans didn't drive intended results, and people fought over territory and bonuses.

That's why I wrote the Sales Management Toolkit™ I wished then that I had a simple guide for managing sales - something that would quickly tell me what to do and how.

Fast forward to today, and I'm proud to say not only have I figured out how to run my own high-performing sales teams, but l've also helped many other companies improve sales results using these tools l've developed and refined for effective sales management.

Here, my best-of-the-best tools and resources are compiled and delivered in a way that helps thousands of other "accidental" sales leaders all over the world and in any industry regain control of their own revenue-driving engines.

Karen Meckelborg is a seasoned sales and marketing leader, business consultant, and author of the Sales Management Toolkit™. As Founder & CEO of Fio Consulting Inc., she has developed and refined a comprehensive library of proven sales management tools that are now deployed in small businesses across Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Her work has served a wide variety of industries from software to manufacturing, tourism, media, financial, energy, and service companies.

Karen's intuitive and natural leadership skills, along with her self-proclaimed "no BS" approach, helps her quickly uncover a company's most pressing need and find solutions that are strategic, insightful, and innovative.