8-Steps Sales Process

About the Workshop:

This 8-Step Sales Process is a training workshop designed to ensure that salespeople follow the most effective approach when representing your company. It is a proven process for securing sales results.

People do not like to be SOLD TO, but rather taken on a journey that solves their problems with a solution that makes sense.

When salespeople follow these 8 steps in order, they have a higher likelihood for success. This is a known process that helps manage customer expectations from the start, uncover and address real pain points, overcome objections, and guide everyone toward a collaboratively closed deal.

2 hour session

Price: $1,500

Book a 15-minute call to assess your needs.

This workshop will equip leaders with an effective, consistent sales process used with new hires and for regular training of your salespeople.

Key Workshop Details:

1. Audience

This workshop is designed for sales trainers, sales leaders, and sales teams.

2. Length

This is a 2-hour virtual workshop.

3. Facilitated Cost

The rate for this facilitated workshop is US$1,500.

4. Non-facilitated Cost

If you would prefer to conduct this exercise yourself, the 8-Step Sales Process tool is available in the "Progress Bundle" or "CompleteSales Management Toolkit™ Bundle", available for purchase in our Shop.

5. Deliverables

Leaders will walk away with a concise, step-by-step, clearly articulated process for sales people to follow that will guarantee results. The 8 steps are the same for everyone, but we will customize it to your unique product or service language.

6. Delivery: Virtual

• Prior to our workshop, we will have a 20-min preparation call to discuss expectations and outcomes, and determine our agenda and attendees

• Workshop will be hosted on Zoom

• Content will be tailored to your unique circumstances and company goals

• Workshop will be recorded and sent post-workshop

• Additional follow-up and support can be provided upon request

All prices in US dollars.